पवित्र बाइबिल

ऐसी तो रीड वर्शन (ESV)
2. तुम्हारे लोग मेरी एक नहीं सुनते! वे मेरी शिक्षा को स्वीकार नहीं करते। यरूशलेम यहोवा में विश्वास नहीं रखता। यरूशलेम अपने परमेश्वर तक को नहीं जानती।

2. उसने मेरी नहीं सुनी, उसने ताड़ना से भी नहीं माना, उसने यहोवा पर भरोसा नहीं रखा, वह अपने परमेश्वर के समीप नहीं आई॥

2. उसने मेरी नहीं सुनी, उसने ताड़ना से भी नहीं माना, उसने यहोवा पर भरोसा नहीं रखा*, वह अपने परमेश्‍वर के समीप नहीं आई।


2. She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.

2. She did not listen to and heed the voice [of God]; she accepted no correction or instruction; she trusted not in the Lord [nor leaned on or was confident in Him, but was confident in her own wealth]; she drew not near to her God [but to the god of Baal or Molech].

2. She obeyed H8085 VQQ3FS not H3808 NADV the voice H6963 B-NMS ; she received H3947 not H3808 NADV correction H4148 ; she trusted H982 not H3808 NADV in the LORD H3068 ; she drew not near H7126 to H413 PREP her God H430 .

2. She hath not hearkened to the voice, She hath not accepted instruction, In Jehovah she hath not trusted, Unto her God she hath not drawn near.

2. She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in Jehovah; she drew not near to her God.

2. She didn't obey the voice. She didn't receive correction. She didn't trust in Yahweh. She didn't draw near to her God.

2. She hears no voice, accepts no correction; In the LORD she has not trusted, to her God she has not drawn near.

2. She listens to no voice; she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD; she does not draw near to her God.

2. She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.

2. She listens to no voice, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD, she does not draw near to her God.

2. She has not obeyed [His] voice, She has not received correction; She has not trusted in the LORD, She has not drawn near to her God.

2. She did not obey the voice; she did not receive correction. She trusted not in Jehovah; she did not draw near to her God.

2. She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.

2. It has listened to no voice; it has accepted no correction. It has not trusted in the LORD; it has not drawn near to its God.

2. She obeys no-one, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD, she does not draw near to her God.

2. They don't obey anyone. They don't accept the Lord's warnings. They don't trust in him. They don't ask their God for his help.

2. No one can tell it anything; it refuses all correction. It does not trust in the LORD or draw near to its God.

2. The city that wouldn't take advice, wouldn't accept correction, Wouldn't trust GOD, wouldn't even get close to her own god!

2. It has not listened to the LORD or accepted his discipline. It has not put its trust in the LORD or asked for his help.

2. She is disobedient; she refuses correction. She does not trust the LORD; she does not seek the advice of her God.

2. They didn't listen to me or accept my teachings. Jerusalem didn't trust in the Lord. Jerusalem didn't go to her God.

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  • तुम्हारे लोग मेरी एक नहीं सुनते! वे मेरी शिक्षा को स्वीकार नहीं करते। यरूशलेम यहोवा में विश्वास नहीं रखता। यरूशलेम अपने परमेश्वर तक को नहीं जानती।
  • HOV

    उसने मेरी नहीं सुनी, उसने ताड़ना से भी नहीं माना, उसने यहोवा पर भरोसा नहीं रखा, वह अपने परमेश्वर के समीप नहीं आई॥

    उसने मेरी नहीं सुनी, उसने ताड़ना से भी नहीं माना, उसने यहोवा पर भरोसा नहीं रखा*, वह अपने परमेश्‍वर के समीप नहीं आई।
  • KJV

    She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
  • AMP

    She did not listen to and heed the voice of God; she accepted no correction or instruction; she trusted not in the Lord nor leaned on or was confident in Him, but was confident in her own wealth; she drew not near to her God but to the god of Baal or Molech.
  • KJVP

    She obeyed H8085 VQQ3FS not H3808 NADV the voice H6963 B-NMS ; she received H3947 not H3808 NADV correction H4148 ; she trusted H982 not H3808 NADV in the LORD H3068 ; she drew not near H7126 to H413 PREP her God H430 .
  • YLT

    She hath not hearkened to the voice, She hath not accepted instruction, In Jehovah she hath not trusted, Unto her God she hath not drawn near.
  • ASV

    She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in Jehovah; she drew not near to her God.
  • WEB

    She didn't obey the voice. She didn't receive correction. She didn't trust in Yahweh. She didn't draw near to her God.
  • NASB

    She hears no voice, accepts no correction; In the LORD she has not trusted, to her God she has not drawn near.
  • ESV

    She listens to no voice; she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD; she does not draw near to her God.
  • RV

    She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
  • RSV

    She listens to no voice, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD, she does not draw near to her God.
  • NKJV

    She has not obeyed His voice, She has not received correction; She has not trusted in the LORD, She has not drawn near to her God.
  • MKJV

    She did not obey the voice; she did not receive correction. She trusted not in Jehovah; she did not draw near to her God.
  • AKJV

    She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
  • NRSV

    It has listened to no voice; it has accepted no correction. It has not trusted in the LORD; it has not drawn near to its God.
  • NIV

    She obeys no-one, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD, she does not draw near to her God.
  • NIRV

    They don't obey anyone. They don't accept the Lord's warnings. They don't trust in him. They don't ask their God for his help.
  • NLT

    No one can tell it anything; it refuses all correction. It does not trust in the LORD or draw near to its God.
  • MSG

    The city that wouldn't take advice, wouldn't accept correction, Wouldn't trust GOD, wouldn't even get close to her own god!
  • GNB

    It has not listened to the LORD or accepted his discipline. It has not put its trust in the LORD or asked for his help.
  • NET

    She is disobedient; she refuses correction. She does not trust the LORD; she does not seek the advice of her God.

    They didn't listen to me or accept my teachings. Jerusalem didn't trust in the Lord. Jerusalem didn't go to her God.
Total 20 छंद, Selected पद्य 2 / 20
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